Who we are
WeatherNOWcast is operated by Brian Lubbert, a Certified Consulting Meteorologist. The Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) is a professional meteorologist who has an in-depth understanding of the atmosphere and its behavior. Services and products provided by CCMs are founded upon their abilities to apply this specialized knowledge to a broad range of related activities, issues, and inquiries. The essential attribute of the CCM is a specialized knowledge of the field, combined with broad experience, an integrated concept of service, and a clear and unwavering adherence to the rules of professional conduct and service. Brian Lubbert is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin Madison and Pennsylvania State University. He operates this website as a public outreach project to serve the Northern New Jersey community with real-time meteorological data. You can
find more about the Certified Meteorologist Program by visiting The American
Meteorological Society
About This Website
WeatherNOWcast went online in 2003. The neighborhood near the Hawthorne Train Station in New Jersey is currently our base of operations. We use a Davis Instruments weather station that includes a precipitation gauge (heated so it melts the snow), ultraviolet and solar radiation sensors and the normal battery of temperature, humidity sensors and an anemometer for wind observations. All this information is brought to you real time via weatherNOWcast
To porivide additional stability to the website, we converted to an iMAC to process our weather data. This website used a template design by CarterLake.org with PHP conversion by Saratoga-Weather.org.
Special thanks go to Kevin Reed at TNET Weather for his work on the original Carterlake templates, and his design for the common website PHP management.
Special thanks to Mike Challis of Long Beach WA for his wind-rose generator, Theme Switcher and CSS styling help with these templates.
Special thanks go to Ken True of Saratoga-Weather.org for the AJAX conditions display, dashboard and integration of the TNET Weather common PHP site design for this site.
Template is originally based on Designs by Haran.
This template is XHTML 1.0 compliant. Validate the XHTML and CSS of this page.
About This Station
The station is powered by a Vantage Pro 2 weather station. The data is collected every 5 seconds and the site is updated every 5 minutes. This site and its data is collected using WeatherCat Software. The station is comprised of an anemometer, a rain gauge and a thermo-hydro sensor situated in optimal positions for highest accuracy possible.